Then We Got a Million Dollar Offer: A Message From Seeds’ Founder

This has been a hard year for Seeds. A surprising year. A year of strange turns of events we never could have anticipated. And now, at the end of the year, I finally have the opportunity to let you see what has been unfolding.

Here’s a quick recap: We were unable to hire the key therapeutic staff required by our state license to operate, and consequently not able to serve any families through wilderness therapy this past summer. As a result, several of our staff quit. In order to be good stewards of Seeds’ resources, we made the hard choice to move out of our offices rather than pay rent on empty buildings. From our perspective, it felt like God was not providing for us; we’d been asking, “Why is this happening? We were trying to minister to hurting families IN HIS NAME!” We felt like we hit a wall and were blocked, just like Paul was forbidden to go to Asia in Acts 16. It made us wonder if Seeds had run its course. We were waiting to see if God would send us a new vision or explanation from the Spirit, like the one Paul received later in Acts 16.

Then we got the email…

It went something like: “Hey Dean, heard you had some trouble in Colorado. I couldn’t keep myself from doing this and despite all earthly wisdom I just bought 178 acres in Kalispell, Montana. After reading your email I wonder if you want it?”

He is the parent of a former student at Seeds, and shared vulnerably that in all the years people have been working with his daughter, he’d never encountered a ministry that trusted Jesus for transformation in the way that Seeds does.

Then just like Acts 16:9 (During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.”), the donor wrote, “Would you come this way and help girls like my daughter, and boys like me, the lost and forgotten and struggling in life?”

What a staggering offer! God was clearly in the background, at work the whole time!

The offer of land and new facilities is huge! At the same time, we have an even bigger need to find the right staff in order to move forward. So over the past several months we have been exploring staffing in Kalispell and praying… and praying… a lot! We have scouted and prayed over the land, met with local therapists in Montana who are interested in taking next steps, and felt invitational support from half a dozen or so churches. And then the donor contacted us again. “I think I have seen more clearly. You guys pick whatever floor plans you need for your office, logistics buildings, and other operational needs. I will pay for them to be built from this log home manufacturer and rent to you for a dollar!” (Translation, this is a gift!)

On December 1 and 2 we had a board meeting for final discernment. I am so excited to announce that we have discerned that Seeds Wilderness Therapy will be moving to Kalispell, Montana!

We believe it’s prudent to move intentionally with this process at the pace that buildings are being completed. Over the next two years we are working on hiring and training new staff for the ministry, working with students and families in Colorado if possible, experimenting with new approaches related to outreach, teen crisis prevention, and market research, while completing all the logistics for the coming move, such as obtaining permits and licensures. This is invaluable time for us to rebuild Seeds as God leads and with your help.

We are excited for what God has in store for Seeds moving forward! It is amazing to start to see some of the “why” to our questions of “where is God.” He is truly on the move—to Kalispell!

Thanks for continuing with us on this incredible journey of faith.


P.S. The gift from this donor is by far the most generous we have ever seen! Would you join in his generosity and help us plant seeds in families in crisis? Your support is needed more than ever. Give here.

About the author:

Dean Reynolds

Dean Reynolds is the founder and director of Seeds Wilderness Therapy. He lives in Montrose, CO with his wife and two young children and is passionate about transformation and following Jesus.

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