Wilderness Therapy Program In Colorado
Disconnect to reconnect.
Seeds Wilderness Therapy plants seeds of HOPE and LIFE into families with struggling teens.

Seeds Wilderness Therapy is a restoration program that combines the best of Christian counseling approaches with the peace and hope of God experienced in wild and beautiful places.
How Seeds Is Bringing Hope to Families
“I think this was 100% the best decision we could have made. I love the staff. I love the way [Seeds] is working with the kids. It’s not just ‘this is our job’ – it’s a true relationship with the kids.”
“What I appreciated most was that we had people who were ready to work alongside us and not just say, ‘Oh, you did this all wrong.’ They were walking beside us to help us with a really difficult situation.”
“I’ve watched God transform [my son’s] heart and his mind in ways that all the counseling and therapy help back home could not do. Getting him out of that environment … quieted the noise of our culture to let God come in and speak in that still small voice to my son’s heart and really soften it and start changing it in some healthy and positive ways: making sense of the trauma, making sense of the crisis that brought us here in the first place. [I’ve watched] God use those very things to mold the character and the integrity that my son will carry for the rest of his life, becoming the man of God that I would want him to be.”
Our Approach
Jesus prayed in the wilderness. He taught his disciples in the wilderness. We use 40 days of wilderness to stretch, grow, and transform students’ thinking and behavior.
Christian wilderness therapy combines nomadic wilderness backpacking with the best in mental health treatment. We strive for personalized restoration through spiritual formation and therapeutic counseling.
We believe that success is measured by love and service to others. Our desire is for fully restored students to give back to their communities.
Our Program
Wilderness therapy is a proven intervention for teenagers struggling with difficult life challenges. Seeds offers a distinctly Christian approach. We operate in the Uncompahgre Plateau near Montrose, CO and are currently accepting students aged 14–17.
Our wilderness program is a 40 day experience with a group of other teens facing similar feelings and issues. Through wilderness retreat, Christian restoration, and counseling, Seeds gives purpose and hope to teenagers who are struggling with life-controlling issues.
We believe restoration is only available through Christ and his grace. While Seeds hopes to see 100% of families with 100% transformation, our measure of success will be 75% of teenagers graduating from Seeds Wilderness Therapy being sober, safe, and active in a church three years after program completion.
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Help a
After many years of preparation and prayer we continue to serve families and their teens. One thing we have discovered is that there are more families with teens needing help than we expected.
If you would like to help us reach these kids in a tangible way there are many ways to get involved.
Please consider providing a partial sponsorship of a child so that we can get more students enrolled.
Thank you so much for partnering with us in seeing families restored!