
“Yet as far as I can I must drift about these love-monument mountains, glad to be a servant of servants in so holy a wilderness.” – John Muir American culture heavily stresses the concept of “leadership.” Everything we push for somehow seems to incorporate being a better leader. Schools have leadership councils, corporations have leadership … Read more

The Sweet Scent of Spring

He is like a tree planted by streams of water, yielding its fruit in season, whose leaf does not wither, and who prospers in all he does. Psalm 1:3 There was a day last week when I was walking outside and it smelled like Spring. The ground is greening; from afar the elm trees are … Read more

Growing differently

There is a secret relationship between  our physical being and the rhythm of our soul.  The body is the place where the soul shows itself. -John O’Donohue My husband and I are currently back in New York, where we grew up. New York is very different from Colorado this time of year – less snow, … Read more

From Seed.

If you’ve ever seen a field of fireweed before, you’ve probably been impressed. Tall spires of furious pink in the summer fade away to burning red foliage that creeps up the mountainsides like the fires for which it is named. The first time I was introduced to fireweed was when my cousin made a glowing … Read more

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